Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What?! But I thought commercials told nothing but the truth... ;~;

This post agrees with my overall purpose of the blog. The theme of the essay is the way the media influence the public’s perception of medications. Our society is so heavily influenced by the media to the extent that whatever the media says must be the truth.
                The media can be at times a manipulative medium. The company of the prescription drugs are obviously trying to put the medications in the best light possible so they are going to minimized the exposure of the side effects and emphasize the good points. As a result, the general public receives a false perception that the medications aren’t harmful and overconsumption of these medications will not kill them.
                These “false” advertisements affect the public, especially the teenager population in a negative aspect. Teenagers don’t understand the harm in taking these drugs so they abuse the medications in order to achieve a state of happiness. They see the actors on television in a state of happiness and relief when they take the medications so the consumers want to achieve the same effect. But people should think twice but it’s too late to prevent the deadly consequences from happening.

Accept me...pretty please? :)

Seriously, who doesn’t have a Facebook nowadays? In a society dominated by social media, some people may even be looked down upon for not having a profile. People know everything about everyone because of Facebook, and it’s like a person’s whole life story was placed right in front of you.
It interests me to think why do so many people use Facebook? Is it because they’re just following the norm of the mass or is there another underlying reason? My perspective of the whole idea of social networking websites is that it serves as a medium for people to feel, to be accepted in society.
The issue of acceptance and self-image is demonstrated in the film The Social Network and it also apply to the society. It really shows how shallow the society is for people to be mainly concerned on how they look and how others perceive of them. Nevertheless, everyone is society has to find a place to fit in, in order to be accepted and if Facebook is the place, then let it be.

I want this, this... oh! and this drug please! :D

The society today is clearly much more different than the society that was present decades ago. Medicine was not something that could be accessible so easily to consumers but rather, doctors had to prescribe each drug to a patient. Nowadays people can buy medications and consume them at their own expense.
                Evidently, the spike in the number of pharmacies and the availability of over-the-counter drugs show our heavy reliance on these drugs and how health is very important to us. We are a health based society. If someone sneezes next to you, we become paranoid and automatically ask them if they are sick. People take Advil and Tylenol for the slightest headaches and consume cough drops as if they are candy. Pharmacies sell vitamins to consumers that want to make their body healthier with the extra supplements.
                Of course, the accessibility to these drugs represents the advancement of technology and science in our world and it greatly benefits the health of the people. But does that mean that some people will take advantage of this privilege and abuse the drugs? Yes, most definitely.

My Literacy Autobiography

My experiences with writing have always been not so…pleasant but it is not like I totally push it aside and disregard it. It’s true that if I could avoid writing, then I definitely would, but like how the old saying goes, you can’t hide from your fears forever. As I grow older and receive more writing assignments, I have learned to embrace it and cherish it since it is preparing me for the real world.
                My characteristic of being indecisive can be seen in my paper because I never seem to really take a stand in my essays but through writing more and more essays I will get better and find it easier to voice my opinion. The ability to voice my opinion through paper means that I can potentially voice my opinion verbally rather than following the crowd and never being the leader. I can finally achieve the purpose that I want to fulfill in my lifetime; to make my life meaningful.
                Reading and writing go hand in hand in society; you can’t have one without the other, but reading will always be my ultimate bias. What’s there not to love about reading and engrossing oneself in the storyline?


This was how I am and what I have become and strive to be...